Best 5 “must see events” guide in Kanagawa for March 2018 (w/Photos)

Kanagawa events Published: Apr 4, 2018
Updated: Oct 10, 2018

Enjoy Kanagawa near Tokyo. It’s easy to make a day trip. There are many tourist spots such as Yokohama, Kamakura in Kanagawa. Besides there are many places to visit.

Museum, amusement park, historical monument, Chinatown and others. We’ll show you about events that held at Kanagawa in March.

Event for traditional cultural experience and learn history

1.Sengokuhara Yudate Shishimai – March 27,2018

source: kintokijinja.

Sengokuhara Suwa jinja (shrine) is located at Sengokuhara in Hakone-machi Kanagawa

and it has been protected this area as an Ujigami(guardian god). Traditional Yudate kagura(Shinto theatrical dance) from year around 1776 which is designated as an Intangible Cultural Property in Japan is dedicate on March 27 for public. At the pond, training method with bathing water is done and more than 150 years of historical “Yudateno gyo( with hot water to purification of bad luck”)is done. After this ceremony,

Shishimai( Lion dance )is dedicated. “Kamameguri-no-mai”-Shishi(lion) scatters hot water with leaves of bamboo grass – is also dedicated. It is said that when you touch the hot water, you’ll be healthy whole year. Let’s join!

Besides small shrine called ‘Kintoki jinja(shrine)” is located at the shrine ground  and near Kintoki mountain.

Many visitors come here to wish safe for mountain climber and children’s health.


March 27,2018

Yudate kagura(Shinto theatrical dance) dedication  / 13:00 –

Access & address


Sengokuhara Suwa jinja (shrine)

・Nearest station and travel time from the station

Hakone Tozan Bus  Bus stop ”Sengoku” 5-minute walk

・Travel time from the terminal station of the city

From Yokohama Station about One and a half hours by Tōkaidō Main Line & bus

・Address 88 Sengokuhara Hakone-machi Kanagawa


Admission & reservation

Free of charge

No reservation required

Official website

No Official website

2.Unkei-Kamakura shogunate and miracle legend

January 13 – March 11.2018

source: the Salon of Vertigo

Unkei was a famous Japanese sculptor. This exhibition are about the relation between Unkei and Kamakura shogunate, Buddha that Unkei made were believed as a miracle.

Follow up of the exhibition “Unkei” at Kanazawa-Bunko Museum in 2011, at Tokyo National Museum in 2017. So you can deepen your understanding of Unkei. They display

“Bontenryuzo”( important national treasure in Japan) ,“Daiitokumyōō’ and other famous his works.


January 13 – March 11.2018

9:00 – 16:30(last entry at 16:00)

※Closed on Monday

Access & address



・Nearest station and travel time from the station

Seaside Line “ Uminokōen – Minamiguchi Station “10-minute walk

Keikyu “Kanazawa-bunko Station” 12-minute walk

Bus stop “Syomyoji temple” nearby

・Travel time from the terminal station of the city

From Yokohama Station , Keikyu Main Line & Seaside Line & walk about45 minutes

・Address  142 Kanazawa-machi, Kanazawa, Yokohama, Kanagawa


Admission & reservation

Adult 800yen / Younger than 20 years old & students 600yen

High school students 100yen / Older than 65years old 200yen

No reservation required

Official website

Event for enjoy nature

3.Odawara Sakura(Cherry blossom) festival

Late March to early April 2018

source: odawara-kankou

Odawara Castle Park belongs to the Odawara castle in Kanagawa. There are Tenshukaku (the highest tower within the castle) which is rebuilt in 1960, Honmaru( main part of the castle) of the Odawara castle and others.Most of the park are

designated as historic site of Japan. Besides This Park is selected one of the 100 places to see cherry blossoms in Japan. Cherry blossom festival is held at Odawara Castle Park

during the days about 320 Somei yoshino (cherry blossom) are blooming. During this festival, many events are held such as Chigo Gyoretsu (children’s Palade). At night you can enjoy night view of Sakura(cherry blossoms) with lantern. You must see the sakura from on the top of the Tenshukaku (the highest tower within the castle). Shidarezakura (weeping cherry blossoms) at Choukouzan, Nunoshiro-sakura-no-baba also you should visit.


Late March to early April 2018

※Date and time are different depending on the event

Access & address


Odawara Castle Park

・Nearest station and travel time from the station

Odawara Station east exit 10-minute walk

・Travel time from the terminal station of the city

From Yokohama Station “Odoriko (a limited express trein)” about 50minutes

・Address Odawara castle Kanagawa


Admission & reservation

Free of charge

No reservation required

Official website

4.Sakura(Cherry Blossom) at Tsurugaoka Hachimangu(shrine)

Late March to early April 2018

source: web-kamakura.cocolog-nifty

Tsurugaoka Hachimangu(shrine) is a popular sightseeing spot at Kamakura.

This shrine is related to Yoritomo Minamono – the founder and the first shōgun of the Kamakura Shogunate of Japan. .It used to be a guardian of the samurai. Nowadays it

also getting popular as a spiritual place for luck to win or career. At the temple ground,

every year you can enjoy SomeiYoshino ( Cherry blossom ) during late March to early April. On the Wakamiya Ōji, a street from Yuigahama(beach)to Tsurugaoka Hachimangu(shrine) there is a Sando ( approach ) called Dankazura which is a sidewalk one step higher than the roadway. You can enjoy nice view of cherry blossom trees from Ni- no- tori(the second gateway of the shrine) till San-no-torii(the third gateway of the shrine). Besides you see wonderful cherry blossoms around Genpei-ike Pond.


Late March to early April 2018

Access & address


Tsurugaoka Hachimangu(shrine)

・Nearest station and travel time from the station

From Kamakura Station10-minutswalk

・Travel time from the terminal station of the city

From Yokohama Station JR Yokosuka Line about 33 minutes

・Address 2-1-31 Yukinoshita, Kamakura, Kanagawa


Admission & reservation

Free of charge

No reservation required

Official website

Contemporary art event

5. A Century of Art Journey through 100 Masterpieces

October 1st .2017 – March .11. 2018


Pola Museum of Art is a private art museum which is located Kozukayama, Sengokuhara, Hakone-machi, Ashigarashimo-gun, Kanagawa. The collection of this museum are Impressionism such as Monet, Renoir or Ecole de Paris, or other western paintings from mainly 20th century about 9,500 in total. The exhibition “A Century of Art Journey through 100 Masterpieces” is for the celebration 15th anniversary of this museum. At this exhibition, 71 Western paintings and 29 Japanese Western-style paintings, in total 100 paintings are carefully selected from the collection. The luxury collection of Monet, Renoir, Gogh, Matisse , Ryusei, Kishida, Yuzo Saeki and others. They represent an excursion through the currents of around 100 years of Western and Japanese modern paintings from the mid-nineteenth century through the turn of the century and across the 20th century. Let’s enjoy art and sightseeing.


October 1st .2017 – March .11. 2018

9:00 – 17:00(No admission after 16:30)

※Open daily

Access & address


Pola Museum of Art

・Nearest station and travel time from the station

Bus stop” Pola Museum of Art-mae “nearby

・Travel time from the terminal station of the city

From Yokohama Station, one and a half hours by Shinkansen & bus

・Address 1285 Kozukayama, Sengokuhara, Hakone-machi, Ashigarashimo-gun, Kanagawa,


Admission & reservation

Adults 1800yen / University & high school students 1300yen

Junior high school & elementary school students (Admission free on Saturdays) 700yen  Senior discount (over 65) 1600 yen

No reservation required

Official website

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Shoto Hachiya

Hello, my name is Shoto! I’ve lived in and traveled many countries. Through the experiences, I saw a lot of different cultures and customs, and that made me realize how unique Japanese culture is.