"I'm an Instagram beginner". My sake labels collection for "instagram worthy".

Published: Oct 26, 2018

Hello everybody! I'm a writer Lee Kojima.

source: nomooo

I finally started an Instagram. (applause!)

Don't you often hear about "insta worthy", do you?

When someone takes a picture, everyone says "Really insta worthy!"
So that I started using it too.

But! I cannot take "insta worthy!" pictures !!!

source: nomooo

"How can I take insta worthy pictures???"

Oh, year!!!! I should take pictures of the cute sake labels!!

Or rather, the sake labels are cute, right?

source: nomooo

So, we'll show you the insta worthy sake labels thanks to KURAND SAKE MARKET Shinjuku.

In addition, we'll show you the taste of sake.


source: nomooo

Do you already know that all you can drink sake with unlimited time at KURAND SAKE MARKET Shinjuku?

Moreover you may bring in your food! I bought some dishes that tastes good with sake at convenience store in the neighborhood.

By the way on the left under of the photo is salted squid for reservation benefits.
So it is therefore better to make a reservation.

source: nomooo

You can choose and pour yourself in and drink it.

Happy to be able to compare drinks!

source: nomooo

Despite the weekdays, full of guests.

Oh! I have found lots of sake!

source: nomooo

Which sake should I start?

And look above my head ...

source: nomooo

"toast sake"" Te-hajime"" craft sparkling sake" ???

Rice Wine "Te-hajime"

source: nomooo

First of all, "Te-hajime" with cute lavel. On a crystal clear label, "rice" is drawn as you immediately see it as sake. The color is so vivid that it looks smooth.

Let's have a drink...

source: nomooo

Wait a moment! It's really smooth.

Impression of tasting
It is mellow and sweeter than the sparkling sake that I have
drunk earlier. Besides the aftertaste is not sweet and it is refreshing so that you can drink one after another. What a nice begin!

"KAZMA 2017"

The next is "KAZMA 2017".

Cool design in contrast to the "Te-hajime" the first. This sake is made with
traditional yeast and "total amount low temperature squeezing".

source: nomooo

Chic geometric pattern represents Z for "KAZMA". It looks like the brand emblem of the clothing. What a fashionable!

When you always post only cute things, it's bored. So sometimes we upload cool photos.

Impression of tasting
A well-balanced and refreshing aftertaste. Delicious sake when you drink with fresh dishes. Stylish taste and label.

"Uraharada " junmai ginjo muroka nama gensyu

Store manager recommended this "uraharada". The most unique label is here!

source: nomooo

Although it is written in beautiful character on the label, the character is "mirror writing".

Once you post this, you must get reaction such as "What? How can I read it?" or" Suit the name and the label".

Impression of tasting
Though the label looks classic, this sake has sweet and fine taste. "What a smooth sake!"
I also recommend this sake for sake beginners.


I suspect many people break the fixed idea of sake label. I have even more…

The next "CRAFT SPARKLING SAKE" .This label is just like it's for wine.

source: nomooo

Absolutely suitable for Italian!!

Hashtag is "#like wine, but in fact sake". Your friend will respond " I thought it was wine ~!".I bet 100 yen.

Impression of tasting
It's also delicious! Smooth sake with natural soda. So sweet!

Kinokuniya bunzaemon "Haru-no-shiboritate-nama"

Tomorrow, when spring comes, I drink "Haru-no-shiboritate-nama".

I found the spring limited sake! Typical label for spring, part1!

source: nomooo

A beautiful label with two typical colors of spring "pink" and "green". Cherry blossoms are blooming in the letter of "spring". It is reminiscent of all the beginnings.

A combination of eye-catching colors has a great impact. Actually, when I looked around, the first thing I saw was this label.

Impression of tasting
Characteristic is freshness, such as the spring of cheerful. The crispy taste got an impression of awakening in the spring

"Sasanami "spring junmai-daiginjo

Speaking of spring, cherry blossoms. Where do you like to see cherry blossoms? By the Meguro river or Ueno park?

No..no.. You can enjoy cherry blossoms on the label of "sasanami" spring junmai-daiginjo.
Typical label for spring, part2!

source: nomooo

The clear bottle and a cherry blossom on the label of white base.
The simple!

Good balance with sake cup of glasses. Cherry blossoms reflect on the light and the transparency increases.

Impression of tasting

Mellow sweetness just like cherry blossoms. Remove all the bad parts of sake. Clearness just like daiginjo is blooming.

Hidatakayama festival special junmai-shu

The cherry blossoms, festivals. And… of course sake, right? Typical label for spring, part3!

source: nomooo

What is drawn on the label is Takayama Festival in Gifu Prefecture. Lovely label with cherry blossoms that bloom on the river side.

Now I tell you about famous haiku by Basho Matsuo. "oogi nite sake kumu kage ya chiru sakura(With my fan / I mime sipping sake - shaded by / falling cherry blossom). I also write haiku and post~!

Impression of tasting
You can taste rice. Smoothly sake. You might drink two bottles of sake by festival.
So delicious!


Vivid yellow label.

What??? Cheese and sake!?

source: nomooo

Cheese drawn on a yellow label looks like the cheese you see on the animated series Tom and Jerry. When I saw the label for the first time, I thought it was wine.

When you post on Instagram, don't forget to add hashtag【#Sake, just like wine tastes good with cheese】.

source: nomooo

Let's try it with cheese rice cracker.

Impression of tasting
Oh! It's delicious with cheese! Fusion with cheese and smooth sake. Strong flavor and rich taste just like luxury white wine.

science brothers

Unique name and fashionable label. Exactly insta worthy!

By the way, why "science brothers"???

source: nomooo

Brothers who studied science completed this sake at the end of trial and error. That is "science brothers". When you see the label, you will feel that it has been made to think about the person who is drinking.

I love man with science background. Let's add hashtag【#Come! men with science background】

This is a sake with a meal. So I eat rice ball( mentaiko - seasoned cod roe )with this sake.

source: nomooo

Impression of tasting
To tell the truth, I thought I wondered if it was good with rice ball. However this "science brothers" is the best sake during the meal!

Because I do not taste "strong sake" when I drink it, I think that it was made by being really calculated. It taste good with rice ball or salted dishes.

Aogiri daiginjo super sharp +10 spring 1 time hire

The most popular sake by KURAND SAKE MARKET Shinjuku. Characteristic colorful label is"Aogiri".

source: nomooo

On the center of colorful label, you see pop fenghuang(mythological birds)with overwhelming presence. The color of the bottle and sake change by season.

How is it possible to design such a cute label???

Impression of tasting

This sake is +10 and dry. Elegant and dry even for me good taste though I always drink sweet sake. It taste fruity so that I can drink almost endless.

"Nagaoka- no -hoshi "special junmai- shu shiboritate

The last one is "Nagaoka -no- hoshi(Nagaoka's star)" with cute label with starry sky.

source: nomooo

On the left of the photo is "Nagaoka no hoshi""special junmai-shu shiboritate(fresh)" and on the right is "special junmai-shu".

Especially female choose this sake. This time I'll try the "special junmai-shu fresh" in a clear bottle.

Impression of tasting
It fresh and fruity taste. I'll drink this sake while watching stars. I want to meet Hikoboshi !

Not only cute label taste also delicious

source: nomooo

I choose sake with cute and unique label for insta worthy.

I can said that it is not how it looks.

Each sake has its own personality and I understand the brewer make sake with passion.

What a nice I can enjoy both delicious sake and take cute pictures!

I'm getting drunk

Though I try to drink sake little by little…I'm getting drunk…

Don't worry. There is a water on the table… What a fashionable bottle!

source: nomooo

"HAHA! You should enjoy drink sake with water!" by Mr. Yamashita (P yama) of the editorial department.

source: nomooo

Anyway, I could take lots of nice pictures. I'll post them insta at home!

At a later date...

I've posted sake labels on my just new insta … Nice ! I'll get lots of "Like" 〜!!!

source: nomooo

Now I have one follower,

Thanks to: KURAND SAKE MARKET Shinjuku

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