source:event checker

Shibuya: Events & Festivals to be held in August 2024

Published: Jul 26, 2024

Shibuya is known as the "City that Never Sleeps," a bustling area with foot traffic 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This is symbolized by the "Scramble Crossing." Said to be the busiest pedestrian crossing in the world, it has become one of the tourist attractions.

While Shibuya has a strong image of being "just a crowded urban area," it actually has abundant nature with numerous parks and gardens. A prime example is Yoyogi Park, renowned as "the park with the widest sky view in the city center," a place filled with greenery.

Yoyogi Park, which serves as a relaxation spot for people, often hosts events. This time, we'll introduce the events happening in Shibuya in August. Many of these are held in the aforementioned Yoyogi Park.

Event Information for August

3rd Hometown Tokyo Support Festival ~TOKYO Bon Dance Festival 2024~

TOKYO Bon Dance Festival 2024
source: Official website

The main attraction of this festival is the Bon dance. Bon dance is one of the quintessential Japanese festival activities where everyone forms a large circle and dances while moving around to the music. At this festival, visitors can join in and dance the Bon dance too.

While the Bon dance might seem difficult at first due to its unique rhythm, if you look closely, it's actually a repetition of simple movements, so even beginners can quickly pick it up. Please try to join in by watching the people dancing on the stage and those around you.

Even though I'm not good at dancing, I can enjoy Bon dancing, so anyone can have fun. I recommend renting and wearing a yukata to fully experience the atmosphere.

Also, a food fair is held simultaneously at this festival. After you're tired from dancing, it's a great memory to try traditional Japanese foods and local dishes.

- Location: Yoyogi Park
- Period: August 2 (Fri) - 4 (Sun)
- Time: 15:00-22:00 (Ends at 20:00 on the last day)
- Admission: Free (Merchandise for sale)

Click here for details

Thai Pop Culture Event "THAI EXPO TOKYO 2024"

source: Official X

At this event, you can immerse yourself in Thai culture from various angles, including food, music, fashion, fortune-telling, and characters.

The food corner is particularly lively. Food stalls line up offering various Thai cuisines, from famous dishes like Gapao rice and Pad Thai to lesser-known local foods. There's also a wide variety of Thai drinks, from coconut juice to alcoholic beverages.

If you haven't visited Thailand yet, please participate. It might help you decide on your next travel destination.

If you become captivated by Thai cuisine at this event, be sure to do some shopping before you leave. Many Thai ingredients and seasonings that are hard to find elsewhere are sold here, allowing you to enjoy Thai flavors at home. Last year, I wasn't satisfied with just the festival food, so I bought a lot to take home and hosted a Thai food party the following week.

As a break from sightseeing in Japan, it's also recommended to visit THAI EXPO TOKYO 2024 for just one night.

- Location: Yoyogi Park
- Period: August 17 (Sat), 18 (Sun)
- Time: 10:00-20:00
- Admission: Free (Merchandise for sale)

Click here for details

Harajuku Omotesando Genki Festival Super Yosakoi 2024

Harajuku Omotesando Genki Festival Super Yosakoi 2024
source: Official website

At Super Yosakoi, you can fully immerse yourself in the charm of Yosakoi. Yosakoi is one of Japan's traditional performing arts, a dance originating from Kochi Prefecture in western Japan.

Yosakoi is typically performed by large groups, and you'll be overwhelmed by the power of the perfectly synchronized movements of all members. The dancers' flashy Japanese clothing is also part of the appeal. The sight of colorful costumes fluttering with the dance is also very elegant.

On the day of this festival, you can enjoy Yosakoi from morning till night at three locations in Tokyo. You might think there's no need to watch so much, but Yosakoi welcomes free arrangements, so each group has its own unique style. Therefore, you won't get bored no matter how many groups you watch. Please enjoy the distinctive Yosakoi of each group.

- Location: Meiji Shrine / Harajuku Omotesando / Around Yoyogi
- Period: August 24 (Sat), 25 (Sun)
- Time: Usually 10:00-20:00 (Until 17:00 on the last day)
- Admission: Free (Food and drinks for sale)

Click here for details

Ukiyo-e Haunted House

Ukiyo-e Haunted House
source: Official website

Ukiyo-e are prints and paintings that were popular in Japan 200 to 400 years ago, before Western culture was introduced. They are characterized by delicate lines and flat color usage. The unrealistic lines have a strange attraction, and you might find yourself staring at them intently.

A haunted house is a Japanese experiential attraction where you explore a building where ghosts suddenly jump out from corners and blind spots, or decorations suddenly move to surprise you. This Ukiyo-e haunted house is a bit different from typical haunted houses, displaying 170 ukiyo-e pieces featuring yokai (traditional Japanese supernatural beings) and ghosts. They don't move or try to surprise you, so even those who don't like scary things can visit without worry.

The ukiyo-e themselves give more of a "strange" impression rather than a "scary" one. It's also interesting to compare them with the ghosts from your home country's folklore or recent horror movies.

- Location: Ota Memorial Museum of Art
- Period: August 3 (Sat) - September 29 (Sun)
  (Except August 5, 13, 19, 26, September 2-5, 9, 17, 24)
- Time: 10:30-17:30 (Last entry 17:00)
- Admission: General 1200 yen / University and High School students 800 yen / Junior High School students (15 years old) and under Free

Click here for details

Shibuya Center Street Summer Festival

Shibuya Center Street Summer Festival
source: Official website

Shibuya Center Street ,a shopping street in the heart of Shibuya, holds summer festival events throughout the summer.

During the first half of the period, decorations related to Tanabata, a Japanese annual event, are displayed. Streamers called "fukinagashi" (pictured on the far right) flutter their colorful long cloths above the heads of visitors to the shopping street. These decorations are carefully handmade by craftsmen in Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture, which is known as the home of Tanabata decorations. Japanese Tanabata also has a custom of writing wishes on rectangular pieces of paper and hanging them on bamboo trees. You can participate in this at Shibuya Center Street as well, so please give it a try.

In the latter half of the period, the atmosphere changes dramatically with decorations based on the concept of Nebuta. Nebuta are "human-sized figures made of wood and Japanese paper, often depicting demons," as shown on the far left of the photo. These impressive Nebuta can only be seen during the last three days. During other periods, you can enjoy decorations of small Nebuta and banners.

On September 16, the last day of the festival, a parade centered around a real large Nebuta will march through the streets. It's very impressive, so please enjoy it in person.

- Location: Shibuya Center Street
- Period: July 19 (Wed) - August 8 (Tue) Tanabata decorations
         - September 16 (Sat) Goldfish Nebuta and banner decorations
- Time: All day
- Admission: Free

Click here for details


source: Official website

SHIBUYA SUMMER PARK is an event with the concept of "Shibuya's Crossover Summer." Because Shibuya attracts a wide range of people regardless of gender, nationality, or age, it can disseminate new culture. Why not become one of the disseminators of new culture by participating in this festival?

Last year, the venue was bustling with stages by various types of artists and an Asian Festa. At the Asian Festa, you could also enjoy cuisine from various Asian countries and craft beers.

This year, it seems you can experience Bear Art, which is currently very popular in Japan. In Bear Art, you color a white bear doll yourself to create an original bear doll that's one of a kind in the world. Why not make your own Bear Art as a lasting memory of your trip?

Much of this year's event content is still to be announced, so please wait for further updates on the official website!

- Location: Yoyogi Park Event Plaza
- Period: August 10 (Sat), 11 (Sun), 12 (Mon, public holiday)
- Time: 12:00-21:00
- Admission: Free

Click here for details

Summary Part

As you can see, Shibuya's summer is filled with various events. Did you find any events you'd like to attend? There's no reason not to come to Shibuya, where you can enjoy not only Tokyo but also traditions from all over Japan and even cultures from outside Japan.

Also, as Shibuya is crowded, the number of people gathering for events is also large, and all events are usually very lively. While there are many tourist spots in Tokyo, please keep an antenna out not only for tourist information but also for event information, and do visit any that interest you.

sena kanda

I'm Sena, a director of Magical Trip. I love the experiences in coffee shops and Japanese Izakaya with my friends. I often go and enjoy them in Tokyo around twice a week, so I will introduce them!