The 7 Best Popular Event Guide in Kyoto – Apr. in 2018 (w/Photos)

Kyoto events Published: May 22, 2018
Updated: Oct 10, 2018

Kyoto – has been flourished since ancient time as the central of Japan – is representative sightseeing spot of Japan that has lot of world heritages. In addition to historical architecture, there are beautiful nature, and old gourmet culture that can be experienced only here, many other attractive points. There always crowded with many tourists from all over the world. In such Kyoto, we will introduce some fun events that we can join in the spring season.

Nature Event

1.Hotaiko Hanami Gyoretsu – Apr. 8th in 2018

Hotaiko Hanami Gyoretsu is the event that recreate the old Japanese party with Sakura and Samurai. It’s held in the world heritage, Daigo temple. This event comes from the fact that the old government leader, Hideyoshi Toyotomi held huge Sakura party here in 1598. It is said that Hideyoshi gathered more than 700 of various kinds of Sakura here and held big party. In Hotaiko Hanami Gyoretsu, about 200 people wearing old costume walk with beautiful scenery of cherry blossom. In addition, they perform the old dance and music on special stage. It feels as if we are back to that era.


・Date and Time
Apr. 8th (Sun) in 2018 1:00pm~3:00pm
・Each Event’s Schedule

Access & Address

Daigo Temple
・The Closest Station’s Name, The Mean’s of Transportation and The Time Required to Get The Destination
About 10 min walk away from Kyoto Subway 「Daigo Station」

・The Terminal Station’s Name, The Time Required From The Station to Get The Destination .
About 30 min by bus or train from 「JR Kyoto Station」

〒601-1325, 22, Daigo Higashioji-machi, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto


Price & Reservation

Free until the entrance of Daigo temple. Seeing the party in the temple needs 800 yen for adult, 600 yen for high school・junior high school student, free for elementary school student and younger.
No need to reserve.

Official Website

2.Kyoto Bonsai Ten – Mar. 30th ~ Apr. 2nd in 2018


Kyoto Botanical Garden has been opened in 1924 as the first public botanical garden. Kyoto Bonsai Ten is held here in every spring. Bonsai is made by planting in the Hachi (like small bowl), and it is like miniature scale of trees that are normally growing outside. We enjoy looking the figure of Bonsai. It depends, but it might take more than 100 years to grow up. Though Bonsai has long history, it’s been receiving more popularity just currently, and many Europe people is getting start Bonsai as hobby. The location of Kyoto Bonsai Ten is the 1st floor of botanical garden hall. About 80 kinds of Bonsai will be displayed there. In April 1st, the lecture class of Bonsai will be held on 2nd floor of the hall.


・Date and Time
Mar. 30th (Fri) ~ Apr. 2nd (Mon) in 2018 from 9:00 am ~ 5:00 pm(need to enter by 4:00 pm)
・Each Event’s Schedule

Access & Address

The exhibition room on 1st floor of botanical garden hall. Kyoto Botanical Garden.

・The Closest Station’s Name, The Mean’s of Transportation and The Time Required to Get The Destination
Just nearby 3rd exit of Kyoto Subway 「Kitayama Station」

・The Terminal Station’s Name, The Time Required From The Station to Get The Destination .
About 15 min by Kyoto Subway train from JR Kyoto Station.

〒606-0823, Shimogamo Hangi-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto


Price & Reservation

200 yen for adult, 150 yen for high school student, free for junior high school students and younger. No need to reserve.

Official Website


3.Chionin no Sakura – The end of March ~ beginning of April in 2018


We can enjoy cherry blossom from the end of March ~ beginning of April at the Chionin that has Japanese garden and architecture that is same class of national treasure or Important Cultural Property. There planted various kinds of Sakura, the amount is about 200. We can enjoy Japanese history and beautiful cherry blossom at once.
Especially, the national treasure, Sanmon (the gate) is quite recommendable scenery. It is hugest wooden architecture in Japan that has 24 m of height, and 50 m of width. It is designated as national treasure. Walking up stone steps, let’s enjoy watching beautiful cherry blossom. In addition, beautiful Japanese garden Yuzenen is also recommended for Sakura. Chionin is the best spot where we can enjoy watching the architecture of national treasure, beautiful Japanese garden, and cherry blossom.


・Date and Time
The end of March ~ beginning of April in 2018
Business Hour 9:00 am ~ 16:00 pm(close at 16:30)
・Each Event’s Schedule

Access & Address

・The Closest Station’s Name, The Mean’s of Transportation and The Time Required to Get The Destination
About 8 min walk from Subway Tozai Line 「Higashiyama Station」

・The Terminal Station’s Name, The Time Required From The Station to Get The Destination .
About 30 min by bus or train from 「JR Kyoto Station」

〒605-8686 400, Rinka-cho, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto


Price & Reservation

Entrance fee 500 yen for adult, 250 yen for elementally school students and junior high school students. (the case of common ticket for 2 gardens)
No need to reserve.

Official Website


4.Cherry blossom in Arashiyama - the end of March ~ beginning of April


Arashiama is one of the most popular sightseeing spot in Japan among tourist from all over the world, and is also known as good place for cherry blossom. Especially, around the Togetsu Bridge that is crossing the river has about 1500 of Sakura trees. You can’t help taking photo of that beautiful scenery. This beautiful scenery has been nominated as the best 100 scenery of cherry blossom. In addition, when we crossed the Togetsu Bridge, there is another good place for Sakura – Nakanoshipa Park. Especially, the weeping cherry tree is the highlight of the scenery. It will illuminated on night time, it would become different beauty. There are some restaurants and gift shops around the park. Having lunch on the seats while enjoy watching beautiful cherry blossom is also recommended.


・Date and Time
the end of March ~ beginning of April (there is no time limit)
・Each Event’s Schedule

Access & Address

Around Arashiyama(Togetsu Bridge and Nakanoshima Park)

・The Closest Station’s Name, The Mean’s of Transportation and The Time Required to Get The Destination
About 5 min walk from Hankyu Arashiyama Line 「Arashiyama Station」

・The Terminal Station’s Name, The Time Required From The Station to Get The Destination .

About 40 min by train and walk from JR Kyoto station.

〒616-8383 Saganakanoshima-cho, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto


Price & Reservation

Free. No need to reserve.

Official Website


The traditional culture and historical event

5. The traditional cultural dedication in spring – Apr. 7th in 2018


Yasaka shrine is one of the most popular sightseeing spot in Kyoto. In every spring season, 「the traditional cultural dedication」 is held there. The traditional cultural dedication is the event that dedicate the performance of old dance, sing, and music to Shinto Shrine to pray for development of these performance. The performer shows their performance while wearing beautiful Japanese costume on the stage of Yasaka Shrine. The kinds of performance differ from year to year. This event is held 3 times in a year, on New Year day, spring, and summer. The most famous one is that of summer. It is held as the part of 3 biggest summer festival called Gion Festival. Spring event is also popular because it is not as crowded as summer one and we can spend comparatively comfortable temperature.


・Date and Time
Apr. 7th in 2018
・Each Event’s Schedule

Access & Address

Yasaka Shrine
・The Closest Station’s Name, The Mean’s of Transportation and The Time Required to Get The Destination
About 5 min walk from 「Gion Shijo Station」
・The Terminal Station’s Name, The Time Required From The Station to Get The Destination.

About 2 min from JR Kyoto Station to Tofukuji Station by Nara line, change the line to Keihan Honsen, and 5 min ride to Gion Shijo Station.

〒605-0073 625, Gion-cho Kitagawa, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto


Price & Reservation

No pricing. No need to reserve.

Official Website

6.Yasurai Festival – Apr. 8th in 2018


Yasurai Festival is counted one of the 3 major strange festivals in Kyoto. It is also designated as a significant intangible folk cultural asset that deeply involved in the local and specific area. Currently, this festival is supposed to be held in 4 locations, Genbu shrine is the origin place of the Yasurai festival. Yasurai festival has a long history from back to 1000 years ago. This has been started to prevent the plague, nowadays it’s held to pray for good health. In the festival, people walk around the city and finally contain the plague. The main actor of the festival is the small Oni acting by children who has black and red hair. They perform the dance with some music instrument. In addition, it is said that when we are in the huge umbellar called “Hanagasa”, we could spend the year with good health. Let’s try it.


・Date and Time
Apr. 8th in 2018 8:30am~
・Each Event’s Schedule
Start at 8:30 am, walk around the Ujiko-ku area and arrive at Genbu Shrine at around 18:00 pm

Access & Address

Genbu Shrine
・The Closest Station’s Name, The Mean’s of Transportation and The Time Required to Get The Destination
About 8 min walk from city bus stop 「Daitokuji Mae」
・The Terminal Station’s Name, The Time Required From The Station to Get The Destination.
30 min by bus from Kyoto station.

〒603-8214 88, Murasakinourinin-cho, Kita-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto


Price & Reservation

Free. No need to reserve.

Official Website

7.Dainenbutsue 「Mibukyogen」- Apr, 29th ~ May. 5th in 2018


Mibukyogen is designated as Important Intangible Folk Cultural Property that was started about 700 years ago by Enkakushonin to spread Buddhist. This is enjoyable event even if you don’t understand Japanese because it is pantomime style that is rare in Japan. This way of teaching is to make it easy for us to understand. They use exaggerated gesture instead of voice. After that, the atmosphere of Buddhism has been gradually fading away over time. It has become to grow as people’s amuse, and been passed down to current days. Mibukyogen is held 3 times in a year (February, April, and October) at the Mibu temple. Especially, the one held in April has the longest period. There are 5 stage on the day and each has 30 songs. The performer wearing the mask perform dance along with drum’s beats and Japanese flute without speaking anything. They sometime throw things into audience or walk the tightrope as a performance.


・Date and Time
Apr, 29th ~ May. 5th in 2018 1:00pm~5:30pm
On the last day at night - 6:00pm~10:00pm
・Each Event’s Schedule

Access & Address

Nibu Temple
・The Closest Station’s Name, The Mean’s of Transportation and The Time Required to Get The Destination
About 8 min walk from 「Shijo Omiya Station」
・The Terminal Station’s Name, The Time Required From The Station to Get The Destination.
About 15 min by walk and train from 「JR Kyoto Station」
〒604-8821 31, Mibunaginomiya-cho, nakagyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto


Price & Reservation

800 yen for adult, 600 yen for junior high school ・ high school students, 400 yen elementary school students
No need to reserve.

Official Website

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